10 Huge TV Shows That Defined The 1990s

 Anyone who was around in the 1990s knows that those years were fantastic in terms of media, especially for those who grew up during that time. Furthermore, there are a lot of movies and songs that will automatically be a metaphorical trip back in time for a lot of people who were kids back then.

Additionally, the 1990s was a time when there were always a lot of good shows to watch on television. Some of them were funny, a few were serious, and then there were a couple of shows that fell somewhere in the middle of those two categories.

 Some shows are popular for a little while during the time they are being filmed, and then they are soon forgotten. But then there are shows such as Friends, which appears to be just as popular now as it was when it was being filmed in the 1990s and the early 2000s.

This comedic series is incredibly relatable since the plot is pretty simple. Phoebe, Rachel, Ross, Monica, Chandler, and Joey are so hilarious and yet understandable at the same time. Watching that show really takes viewers back to the time when every woman in the world wanted Rachel’s haircut.

 Another popular television series that makes fans remember how great the 90s were is Seinfeld. This show was basically about nothing, and that is what made it as great as it was. The subject matter wasn’t too serious, and it also wasn’t trying to teach viewers any lessons about life.

It was just a simple show that centered around the humorous events that took place in the lives of Jerry, George, Kramer, and Elaine. Sometimes the characters weren’t even that likable, and that was kind of what made it even funnier. They weren’t perfect, and they didn’t have to be.

 During the 1990s, basically everyone—especially families—sat down at least once a week to watch some of their favorite television shows, one of which was Home Improvement. This show just oozes nostalgia for multiple reasons.

Firstly, watching Tim “The Tool Man” Taylor get himself into some hilarious trouble never gets old. Secondly, the style of clothing they all wore really reminds us of what fashion was like back then. But one of the best things about Home Improvement is how family-friendly it seemed to be most of the time. It was a show the whole family could enjoy together.

 There have been a lot of great television shows during the last few decades, but it seems like the 1990s definitely had some of the best and most memorable ones. For example, The Fresh Prince Of Bel-Air, which was very popular back then.

There are multiple reasons why this show was—and still is—so powerful. It is funny, but there are some episodes that deal with a lot of really serious topics that are actually still relevant today. For instance, there are moments when the main character has trouble dealing with a parent who wants nothing to do with him.

 It is hard to find a show that’s really a good fit for the whole family to watch, but there are a few that are pretty great. For example, Full House is a show that viewers of all ages can enjoy.

There are some negative things associated with it now simply because of the show’s cast, but the actual series was loved by many, and watching it now really makes the viewers miss the 1990s. It’s also interesting to be reminded of how little the Olsen twins were at the time, and how John Stamos doesn’t seem to have aged a bit.

 Technically, this show started at the end of the 1980s. The first episode aired in 1989, and the show ended for good in 1993.

Nevertheless, Saved By The Bell was an extremely popular series back then, and it seems that a lot of people still like it now. There are a lot of things in the series that makes fans take a mental trip back in time. The fashion, the hairstyles, the cast members, and the pop culture references it had were all full of awesomeness one can only understand if they knew what living in the 1990s was like.

 This show was one that a lot of 90s kids grew up watching. Boy Meets World fans enjoyed seeing Corey and Topanga fall in love, and they also loved the drama that popped up in their relationship on occasion.

Also, viewers enjoyed seeing the character development for Corey’s friend Shawn, who didn’t exactly have an easy life. When people who grew up in the 90s think back on some of their favorite television shows, this one is usually on that list. Also, this show is great at teaching valuable life lessons, and Topanga is still pretty inspirational for women and girls everywhere.

 There are some television shows that have realistic characters, and yet they are put in unrealistic situations, which make them hard to believe. But that’s not the case for Everybody Loves Raymond, which featured scenarios to which just about everyone can relate.

Before the show aired, there were very few programs on television that showed the common things that married couples face every day. Therefore, when it premiered, Everybody Loves Raymond seemed like a fresh, new kind of show to enjoy. Even though many shows with a similar nature appeared afterward, it is still really fun to watch this one every now and then.

 One might not think that a show about a bunch of people who work at an airport would be very entertaining, but Wings proved otherwise. The show, which started in 1990 and ended seven years later, centered around two brothers named Brian and Joe Hackett, as well as a few others like Helen, Lowell, Antonio, Roy, Fay, and Casey.

This show has everything any fan of 1990s television who have wanted. There is comedy in it, some drama, and a heaping tablespoon of romance thrown in for good measure. Furthermore, a lot of celebrities from that decade made cameo appearances.

Family shows were a big thing back in the nineties, and that is probably part of what made Party Of Five as awesome as it was. It’s still pretty great now, actually.

This series dealt with a lot of sad themes, but it taught viewers quite a bit about how valuable friends and family members are. People who were teenagers back then grew up with these characters, and many of them had some major crushes on the lead characters of the show. Fans of Party Of Five were really invested in the lives of the Salinger siblings at the time.
